Geriatric Physiotherapy and its importance
Aging is not a disease but we all have to face it. Aging with good health is always a plus point because it reduces the risk of getting secondary impacts of aging such as arthritis, kyphosis, spondylosis, Parkinson's disease, dementia, and Huntington's disease, etc.. are known as common age related degenerative conditions.
In the above list the latter few diseases affect the cognitive abilities of the person. As we all know the muscular strength, Balance, Vision, hearing and many physical and physiological abilities deteriorate with aging, but the speed of the progression of these deterioration can be slowed down with some strategic interventions. Physiotherapy is one of those interventions

Role of a Physiotherapist geriatric rehabilitation.
The term “ Rehabilitation “ contains the meaning of restoring a function. So the person who undergoes rehabilitation needs to restore the lost function. The Physiotherapist is the key person in this process. One main thing is preventing the function by not letting it fade off and the other thing is to restore the functions which are forgotten or faded off.
Functional assessment is important
First of all the physiotherapist has to get a physiotherapy assessment of the person. This includes measuring the muscle power, and ranges of motions of the joints and analyzing the posture, and walking pattern. The physiotherapist also assesses his or her cognitive abilities by using various measurement tools. A sensory examination will be conducted to see any alteration of the sensation ( these can be affected in various conditions such as diabetic neuropathy ). The balance and coordination assessment is essential to know the current status of patients' independent functional level. Some tools such as the Berg balance scale and Barthel index are important to measure the balance and functional independence of the person.
Implementation of a treatment plan
Some individuals are not able to travel to a clinic due to their health conditions or some other factors. In this case, the person has to get physiotherapy treatments at home through a home-visiting physiotherapist. There are many home-visiting physiotherapists in Colombo when compared to outskirt. The physiotherapist who visits the person will implement a treatment plan to improve the functional capabilities of the individual. The physiotherapist may treat some health conditions such as arthritis or any other painful condition in the meantime. The goal setting for the treatment plan will be done by the physiotherapist according to the problem list he gathered through the assessment.
Review the progression
All the clinical data will be recorded by the physiotherapist for further reference. The improvement of the person will be measured by comparing the physiotherapy assessments which were taken initially and after a few sessions.
Quality of the treatment
The quality of the home-based physiotherapy treatment always depends on the experience and the personality of the physiotherapist. The physiotherapist will be the key person to get the best outcomes from the patient. Physio Sri Lanka is always responsible for their patients and you can always call Physio Sri Lanka to get the best quality physiotherapy care for your parents who are old and it doesn't matter whether you live with them or not. Most of the people who live abroad call or WhatsApp us requesting physiotherapy treatments for their parents. As a registered company with registered physiotherapists, Physio Sri Lanka always gives the first priority to the fast recovery of their patients.