We know what we are about

Physio Sri Lanka is a network of Physiotherapists who are able to provide treatments all over the country. All the Physios are qualified and registered so we can guarantee that our service is up to the mark.
Call +94 74 156 1782 for more details.
ශ්රී ලංකා වෛද්ය සභාවේ ලියාපදිංචි භෞතචිකිත්සකවරයෙකු සම්බන්ධ කරගැනීම සඳහා මෙම අංක ඔස්සේ අප අමතන්න
Our Philosophy
Our friendly approach is centered on putting the needs of the patient first and understanding that the Patient's needs are the priority. We know that the hospitalization of a patient can be extremely distressing for family members. That is why we take an inclusive approach that fully recognizes the needs of the patient as well as his or her wider family.
Patient and Family-Centered Care
Our patient-centered care is demonstrated by our specialist Physiotherapists who will attend to you with a tremendous amount of professional expertise. A dedicated Physio team is subsequently assigned to you, when appropriate, for ongoing treatment. We take full responsibility until you recover.
Quality and Safety
In addition to the relevant training and qualifications you would expect from the healthcare professionals we employ, a full-quality care management system is run by our team. Constantly reviewing our procedures and practices helps to maintain the highest levels of healthcare throughout our entire operation.
Our Excellence
A center of excellence, Physio Sri Lanka is ranked among the best facilities of its kind in the country, frequently getting into the top. Our medical team is not just practitioners but is frequently engaged in cutting-edge medical research, helping to bring the most up-to-date practices to our patients.
ශ්රී ලංකා වෛද්ය සභාවේ ලියාපදිංචි භෞතචිකිත්සකවරයෙකු සම්බන්ධ කරගැනීම සඳහා මෙම අංක ඔස්සේ අප අමතන්න
+94 74 156 1782
ඔබගේ වේදනාව / රෝගී තත්වය සුව කිරීම අපගේ ප්රධානම වගකීම බව අප අවබෝධ කරගෙන ඇති බැවින් ඔබගේ රෝගී තත්වයට අදාල සියලුම උපදෙස් නොමිලේ ලබා දීමට කටයුතු සලසා ඇත.
ඔබට අවශ්ය ඕනෑම අවස්තාවක අප අමතා එම උපදේශණය ලබා ගත හැක.
අපගේ වෙබ් අඩවිය මගින් ඔබ සම්බන්ධ කරගනු ලබන්නේ රජයේ ලියාපදිංචි/සුදුසුකම්ලත් භෞතචිකිත්සකවරයෙකු බැවින් ඔබගේ රෝගී තත්වයට අදාලව සිදු කරන සියලුම ප්රථිකාර වගකීමක් සහිතව සිදු කරන බව විශේෂයෙන් දන්වා සිටිමු.
ඔබගේ භෞතචිකිත්සකවරයා රජයේ ලියාපදිංචි වී ඇති බව සනාථ කරගැනීම සඳහා ඔහුගේ/ඇයගේ හැදුනුම්පත (ශ්රී ලංකා වෛද්ය සභාවෙන් නිකුත් කරන ලද ) විමසා සිටීමේ අයිතිය ඔබ සතු වේ.
Nipun Anuradha Jayakody
Managing Director, Physio Lanka (PVT) Ltd.
I was suffering from Fibromyalgia for over 5 years. Unfortunately, doctors could not diagnose the sickness correctly. Various treatments were carried out which were highly expensive and also cost my time also unable to continue my job. But I met Physiotherapist Mr.Nipun who diagnosed my sickness on the first day and with physiotherapy treatments now I'm back with my life. Thank you and wishing you the strength to help many patients like me.
Captain Prasad Ranasinghe
Nipun as a Physiotherapist was one of the best in the field. I had previously suffered from knee pain for years and had no relief from previous treatments. However, it was tackled easily through his treatments. Highly recommend his consultation as he is very thorough with his work.
Shehara Perera
Why people believe in us
Nipun is a highly-skilled, well-trained, and dedicated physiotherapist in Sri Lanka. He is well-educated and he holds a bachelor's degree in physiotherapy. He is so Caring, friendly, supportive, patient, genuine, and polite. After all, he inspires confidence in the patient with his excellent rehabilitation skills so that the patient can lead a normal life. I think that’s what the final result of the physiotherapy should be.☺️Nipun enjoys his job and he is not egoistical at all. Now I’m leading a normal life thanks to Nipun and the team. Good luck and wish you all the very best to the best physiotherapist in Sri Lanka.
Chathuri Sirisena
The website is so user-friendly and When I wanted a Physiotherapist to treat my Mom I found this website while searching the web. The customer service is very good and they do regular follow-ups until the patient gets a full recovery. Thank you so much
Damith Chathuranga

Nipun Anuradha
Charted Physiotherapist ( United Kingdom)
Registered Physiotherapist (HCPC) - United Kingdom
Registered Physiotherapist (SLMC) - Sri Lanka
"Healing Revolution of the upcoming era"
+94 74 156 1782
Physio Sri Lanka - Physio Lanka (PVT) Ltd.
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+94 74 156 1782
Nipun Anuradha (MCSP)
Charted Physiotherapist, United Kingdom
NHS (National Health Service), England