Stroke & Physiotherapy
Stroke, which is also known as cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is a neurological condition where the affected person has to undergo various types of clinical symptoms. This article will be very useful for you to know the basics about the stroke and the recovery process
There are mainly two types of strokes, the commonest one is ischemic stroke which can be caused due to a lack of blood supply to the part of the brain. The other type is a hemorrhagic stroke where there is internal bleeding in the brain due to a rupture of the blood vessels.
Both types cause the death of the cells in the brain. When the brain cells are dead or damaged, the area of the body which is controlled by the affected brain cells will lose its function. It can be paralysis or weakness of the arms, and legs ( One side of the body ), Deviation of the face to one side, difficulty in speech, loss of memory, difficulty in swallowing, etc.
Most of the strokes can be identified by seeing a sudden deviation of the face to one side and a sudden loss of balance. In this case, it is highly advised and it is essential to admit the patient to a hospital. for immediate medical attention. Some strokes recover within 24 hours and are known as transient ischemic attacks. Though it recovers within 24 hours it is advised to take the person to a doctor to identify and terminate a secondary attack.
The common causes for strokes can be listed as, uncontrolled diabetes, hypertension, high levels of cholesterol, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, prolonged sleep disturbances, etc…, In some cases, stroke can be caused by depression, pregnancy, migraine, accidents, etc…
Importance of Physiotherapy in stroke,
Stroke can cause various physical dysfunctions mainly causing the patient to be immobile due to the weakness of one side of the body. This immobility can cause various secondary symptoms. Physiotherapy plays a vital key role in getting the patient back to his or her normal life routing or near-normal status. Soon after the patient is medically stable, physiotherapy treatments can be initiated.
These physiotherapy sessions can be done at a clinic or they can be arranged as home-based physiotherapy treatments. As per our experience, most of the patients request the treatments to be taken at home due to the convenience. At the initial stage, the patient will be bedridden and won't be able to travel to the clinic, thus the physiotherapist can arrange a home-based physiotherapy program until the patient recovers. The physiotherapist will make a problem list by seeing the current condition of the patient. The problem list may include, lack of mobility, difficulty in speech, balance issues, etc…, The stroke rehabilitation program may include different phases. A qualified and experienced physiotherapist is able to determine these phases by seeing the medical reports and by analyzing the physiotherapy assessment.
A stroke rehabilitation program is always goal-oriented. The physiotherapist plays the main role until the patient shows a remarkable improvement. Mostly the physiotherapy treatment session will consist of a specific exercise regime and various stroke rehabilitation approaches. Some physiotherapists will rely on one approach and some will use various approaches in combination. Using traditional treatment methods will also help in the recovery process. But we highly recommend using physiotherapy treatments only or combining physiotherapy with traditional treatments. As qualified physiotherapists and having experience in working in different hospital setups and ICU settings, we have seen many patients improve their symptoms with physiotherapy treatments. Choosing a qualified, experienced, and registered physiotherapist is essential in this matter. Physio Sri Lanka ( Physio Lanka (PVT) Ltd. always looks forward to providing the best physiotherapy solutions without hesitation. You can call us and get any physiotherapy advice for free by dialing +94741561782